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Happy 18th Birthday to my heart


Your adventure is just beginning!

You have given me so many reasons to be proud of the man you have become and there is so much joy found in calling you my son. From the moment I held you, I new I would be blessed forever.

I've watched you go for what you want, stand strong in your faith and show the purest of love to everyone around you. You're a great many things Hunter, and I know you'll continue to be extraordinary.

18 years sure went fast. Everyone tells you how fast time goes; they tell you that soon your baby will be grown and will fly from the nest. They're right. Soon you'll be joining the Marines after graduation in June and my heart will travel the world with you. Watching you grow from a tiny baby that fits in your lap to an independent young man, driving around in your own truck is an incredibly hard thing to see as a Mama. But it happened. I can no longer keep you safe next to me.

I am 100% confident in you, Hunter. You are wise and beautiful in every way. Your life will be filled with so much joy. And, I'll always be here to help you with whatever you may need. ALWAYS! I love you my sweet Bug. SO MUCH!




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