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I hope he dreams of today, often.

When I opened the curtains this morning for my little Waylon baby, his eyes lit up when he saw the SNOW falling right out of his bedroom window. He sat on his bed, rubbing his eyes, gazing out at the magic that was starting our day. My heart filled with the sight of this, instantly! I was truly excited to see 8 more inches of snow this morning. I knew it was the making for another great day.

I didn't know that life could be this way, with so little. That is could be SO HAPPY with very little fillers. Pure joy really does come from opening your eyes and spending genuine time doing the things you love. 

Spending you money on things and junk to try and visually create a life you think you want, is NOT the way to go. Real life is NOT instagram. Real life is what you are and what you create, organically. Don't put all of that beautiful, unique, energy into something you think you want because its what is trending or what looks pretty in a picture. Trust me, it won't do one darn thing for your love of life. That was someone else's picture of what makes them happy. NOT yours!

Today was magic for Waylon and I hope he dreams of today, often.


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