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Slugs to the moon!

Updated: Aug 19, 2022

I associate the sound of my Uncle Steve's voice saying "Happy 4th!" as we arrive, with the beginning of our Independence day celebration. Then, it's the smell of my Aunt Celia's hair as we hug. The list goes on. Mom's teriyaki chicken wings are at the top. These are some of the memories that weave my childhood together.

This year we may have had too much confidence in the "kids" with their firework lighting (insert laugh here). But, they did share in a tradition this year, sending slugs to the moon on bottle rockets like their Poppop and Great Uncle Steve and Great Uncle Rick.

Em and I started a new slug tradition this year of our own, dragging Reesie along; Have you ever kicked slugs off of a creek bed into the water? They make a really funny "plunk" noise that causes lots of laughter. I think we had more fun doing this than we expected to. Mom was not kidding when she said the slugs were taking over her yard this year, maybe we can lend her Dolly, our duck.


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