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Happy 6th Birthday Waylon!

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

Is it different when it's your last baby to grow up?

Is it the fastest time has ever moved?

I know that my sister Emily must be suffering the same questions and realization, just years ahead of me. Her Mikie is 13!!

Waylon turned 6 today. He's turned into a boy that knows what he wants, and he has the most wonderful personality.

Minecraft, Roblox and Fortnite is everything!

There is no more "Yeah Do" and "No Not".

He says wiener and poop in almost every sentence when he's playing, joking and teasing.

His favorite candy is a Kit Kat Bar and a close second is Reese's peanut butter cups.

He LOVES gold mining.

Waylon loves space. He has a space/Minecraft room and when it comes to space, he is the riddler!

He has to have American flag cowboy boots.

He LOVES to be at the beach. Sun, sand and Water are his thing.

When he was 3 he asked us for a bigger house in "Ontana" so Daddy bought him property this year in Montana. We start building soon.

Waylon loves a good bonfire.

Favorite line of a song to sing all day long: "Mama Mia, Mama Mia, Mama Mia let me go!"

He loves to wear his "Mikies" (Nikes)

His first year of soccer was this year and it was a success. He improved a lot and made lots of friends.

He lost his first tooth (bottom right) a couple days after he turned 6.

He's a math wizard! He knows addition, subtraction, multiplication and much more... he isn't afraid to quiz you...


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